well annette came back and this time she brought her man with her to get a new tattoo, he plays the drums in a band in glasgow and wanted something to symbolise that, so he sent me a photo from the lower shankhill road in belfast of a mural on the side of a house.
it had to be slightly adjusted to fit on his leg but the end result worked quite well. the B.L.F.B. is the title of his band, though i cannot remembre what the letters stand for im sorry.
quis separabit means they will never be separated i think.
the guy was a good laugh and annette is back on monday night to get a red hand of ulster on her shoulder so they are very good customers.
it took me a while to get it on here as for some reason picasa web albums has decided its not gonna upload my pictures so i do apologise for that xxxxx see you tomorrow xxx