Tuesday 1 December 2009


ive been busy busy since the last time i wrote still waiting for delivery of certain items but thats only to be expected really.

ivw done a few tattoos this week already, david wanted bloomin dilligaf on his hand, i swear the slogan is taking over the world at the moment. he didnt want the usual writing so we vamped it up a little bit with a devil theme though its hard to make out from this photo. it was difficult to get the ink into his skin at the side of his hand and he did spend a lot of time telling me just how sore it was but it went in in the end and he loves it which is great.

the next one was a lad wanting his name on the back of his arm, the name if youre finding it hard to see is Stephen from elbow to wrist, it was the lads first tattoo and it hurt him a little bit bless him he kept jumping when the needle touched him and one jump was so bad he made me jump and i nearly dropped the machine i got such a fright. he sat through it though and it looks good, he was a glutton for punishment though, he said when i finished would you mind writing mum on my wrist? get him the hard man, thankfully the writing was freehand and he didnt flinch at all maybe he got used to the pain.

it was quite sweet actually he has three brothers and they are all in turn getting the very same tattoo in the very same place. i thought it was a nice idea really. fortunately his brother was there with him so i nailed his on too.
thankfully i must have done something right as the lad promised he would be back, (every fortnight when he gets his money).
brilliant!! one regular customer to pay my credit card bill.
ive maybe got a little one to do tonight a little heart with wings and a halo if the girl ever makes her mind up, but she might wait until friday night when her and her boyfriend and her boyfriends mum and brother come round. another late night for me on friday i think. mostly though it will just be writing which is quite quick and easy to do.
also i suppose i should let david do my butterfly this week hes champing at the bit to get going on it. he hates it when im better at something than he is. lol see you next time.

1 comment:

  1. Very Nice, Good work, Has david done your butterfly yet, If not just wait till he has done a bit then shout AAAAAAHHHHH, Then take his picture haha, I will use this as blackmail matirial haha, Keep up the good work,
    Dad xxx
