Sunday 14 March 2010

the top bit

well crikey mikey this took a long time. a tribute to her sister donna marie this tattoo must be the hardest three hours of both of our lives. from the top of the m.l. to the top of the wings this is about six inches square and it was quite a difficult piece.
mostly it was the colour that caused the problem it was either to thick or it wouldnt mix well and eventually it was just too much and sharleen decided to call it a day so it actually took two days.
i went through nearly a full kitchen roll with it and im suffering severe backache.
all worth it in the end though she loves it and its nearly finished just some flowers and birds to add to the bottom and then thats that.
then shes wantin koi fish i think god help me.
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1 comment:

  1. "THE TOP BIT"
    Looks good to me, I will have to have a look at the colours you are using, And try to find out what the problem is with it, But the Tattoo looks very nice, Bet you cant wait to do the Koi Carp, Love doing those, Plenty of outline and plenty of colour and shading, You will love it, They allways make a top Tattoo,
    A FULL KITCHEN ROLL HAHAHAHA the expence hahaha dont worry i had to use a whole roll once myself, Nice work,,
    Love you, Dad N Belinda xxxx
