Friday 2 April 2010

cripes ................!!!!

well yesterday was a busy day, one little visit to friends in glasgow and my tattooing talent took a hammering. i started with a girl called emma who wanted mum and dad written on her arms with some love hearts above each one. easy enough but unfortunately she ran away before i could get a photograph. three hearts above each name and the middle ones coloured in red, it was quite sweet and they turned out really well. next i did a tattoo for marie, she wanted her mans name on her wedding ring finger, funny thing is pat doesnt like tattoos so im sure you can imagine his opinion on the matter. i was a bit worried about doing maries tattoo as well as she takes a lot of medication for her heart and blood thinners, but, strangely enough she was the only one who didnt bleed. the next job was for cheryl who wanted ian written on her ring finger the picture isnt so good really but she was so very pleased with it. ian had her name written on his ring finger too and believe me fitting a six letter name across a finger is a nightmare. (ian also had some old work redone and this time he actually managed to sit perfectly still while i did it for him.) poor ryan wanted another one done too, that boy bless him has no pain threshold what so ever. he wanted mum and dad too but in a kind of old style tattoo with hearts and scrolls and a sword. the one i originally drew up for him was in the end a little to big for him. it was a good job he changed his mind really because he jumped and shouted his way through this one i thought i was gonna have to knock him out just to get the outline finished. however eventually he sat and got it done and got the colour put in as well, and im really quite pleased with the results, i did the sword handle in a deep yellow with a hint of brown to add shadow to the handle, or is it the hilt im not sure. obviously the hearts were red abd ive a feeling they might need to be reworked in a few weeks time but only because he wouldnt let me colour it all at once he first wanted a space of skin left to add a reflection but eventually he changed his mind so no doubt it will look a bit blotchy. we did the right side of the blade in a pale blue for some shadow too but he decided he wanted the scrolls left as skin which suited me fine, after five hours and seven tattoos my legs were starting to cramp slightly.
so all in all it was a good afternoons work and good practice, a new body part too as these were the first fingers i had attempted. im quite pleased with them all and the customers were chuffed too. i think im gonna do some work for david tonight going over his writing on his back and trying to find a way to tie everything in together. maybe extending the tribal design across his back or joining it together with some kind of design im not sure yet. the ones on his back are so mismatched they need something to bring them together. ill let you know what happens with that when i work it out.
he also wants a question cross put on him aswell. mental i hear you say most definately is my reply.
laters !!!
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1 comment:

  1. Good to see you have some customers that know what it is they want, Its all good practise for you, But isn't it nice to do a traditional style Tattoo, Well done, Nice work,
    Dad xxx
