Thursday 2 December 2010

no pics cause its stinky celtic

well i had a tattoo booked in today a customer from way back when i first started over twelve months ago, ryan! his first one was his name on his arm and the one he got today was the celtic football club crest. now i did my best with it and it turned out well but my other half would kill me if he saw a picture on my computer of the celtic crest so no pics for you im afraid x
wile i was there ryans mum mary got her mum amd dad on her wrists. there was another lad there wanted his name done too but not knowing he was gonna be there i didnt take my full kit out with me, i did offer to go back tomorrow but he said he will have spent the money by then lol
a good day really though ryans arm is stinging a bit.
next one booked for the 16th ill keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. Thats a good do, Sounds like you are keeping very busy, Things do slow down a little till after christmas though,
    Love Dad xxxx
