Thursday 18 February 2010

a rose is still a rose

this one was a bit of a worry i definately wasnt looking forward to it but it turned out quite well i think. poor kirstie she will be covered in them before she reaches 20, this one is on the back of her arm and is about three inches long and a couple of inches across so quite a big one considering.
the outline was done with 3's dad so dont worry i didnt favour the colour bar this time, the initials are w.g.n which are her grandads initials as it is a tribute to his memory.
i used hundreds of colours to try and give it some life, the leaves were done with green and then with green and yellow mixed on the needles to change the shade. the stem also has the green in it but with brown added on top to make it a little weather worn and realistic looking, (not sure if it worked but it does look ok so thats alright).
the petals of the rose were first done with a pink edge then red on the inside of each one in the hope of giving them some depth (quote unquote dad).
it looks a bit yucky on this photo as it isnt that clear she had just smothered it in savlon. however its quite beautiful and she and i are both very impressed with it.
(just for curiosity sake the "wully" she had done on her back has been reworked and thanks to the constant application of cream this time it looks great, photos will follow when i can pin her down long enough to get one).
also just to not this one took me 50minutes and i only used three quarters of a kitchen roll hahahahahahahahaha
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1 comment:

  1. Well done, Another propper Tattoo, Things must be on the up, These type of Tattoo are really good fun to do, 50mins, Well it shows you were concentrating, So thats a pluss, From what i can make out of the picture you have done a top job, But 3/4 OF A KITCHEN ROLL, My god your expences hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
    Dad xxx
