Friday 4 February 2011


this was another couple for davids wee cousin david, the DJS are his initials and the 1986 was the year he was born, i really like how these have turned out they are on the back of his arms so as you can see in the piccy hes twisting his arms quite a far reach around so i could take the picture.
of course he wanted red white and blue as he is a real rangers boy and im really pleased with the colours as these are the new ones i ordered the other day.the white especially turned out fabulously.
didnt fancy trying to position a transfer on this bit of his arm as david is quite muscular and the transfer would have looked too rigid over the bumps so this is a total ME tattoo free handed to the last. hes very chuffed with it and has been nearly bathing himself in savlon bless him so i know he wont be back next week to get it recoloured hell look after it xx
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